Snake Island: The Real Story of the Most Snake-Infested Island on Earth

 The Creepiest Place On Planet Earth The snake-infested Ilha da Queimada Grande, also known as Snake Island, is located 90 miles off the coast of southeast Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean. There is an island that no native would ever dare enter that is located about 90 miles off the southeast coast of Brazil. According to legend, the last fisherman who ventured too close to Snake Island’s shoreline was discovered days later floating aimlessly in his own boat and dead in a pool of blood. Brazil has restricted travel to this mystic island, also known as Ilha da Queimada Grande because it is so hazardous. And one of the deadliest snakes in the world, the golden lancehead pit viper, poses a threat on the island. There are thought to be between 2,000 and 4,000 lanceheads on Snake Island, and they can grow to be over a foot and a half long. Since the lanceheads are so poisonous, a human bite could result in instant death. How Serpents Got Infested on Snake Island Although Snake Island is currently deserted, it was once inhabited for a brief period of time up until the late 1920s, when, according to local tradition, the lighthouse keeper and his family perished after being slain by vipers that slithered in through the windows. The navy still makes occasional maintenance trips to the lighthouse and checks to ensure sure no adventurous travelers travel too close to the island. According to a different local myth, pirates who wanted to defend the island’s hidden wealth allegedly brought the snakes there in the first place. Although a less spectacular origin myth than ferocious pirates, the vipers’ presence is actually a result of the water levels increase. In the past 10,000 years, sea levels have risen, separating Snake Island from the Brazilian mainland and transforming it into an island. Over the course of millennia, the species that ended up alone on Queimada Grande, particularly the golden lanceheads, evolved differently from those on the mainland. Since birds were the only prey available to the island vipers, they had to develop extra-potent venom to enable them to almost instantly kill any bird. The numerous predators that live on Ilha da Queimada Grande can’t catch local birds because they are too cunning, therefore the snakes instead rely on birds that come to the island to rest as food. Why Brazil’s Snake Island Vipers Are So Dangerous 90% of all snake bites in Brazil are caused by lancehead snakes, which are cousins to the golden lanceheads on the mainland. Due to their island isolation, a bite from one of its golden relatives, whose venom is up to five times more potent, is less likely to actually occur. However, if such interaction does occur, it is much more likely to be fatal. Since the only region where golden lanceheads can be found is off-limits to the general public, there are no statistics on fatalities involving them; however, if an ordinary lancehead bite goes untreated, there is a 7% probability of death. Even after receiving treatment, there is still a 3 percent death rate for lancehead bite victims. It’s difficult to understand why anyone would want to go somewhere where a horrific death is just a few steps away. However, the deadly venom of vipers has the potential to treat heart conditions, creating a demand for the poison on the underground market. Some criminals will risk nearly definite death on Ilha da Queimada Grande for the chance to get rich. Where is Snake Island Located? The small island Ilha da Queimada Grande, also called Snake Island, is located off the coast of Brazil’s southeast. The area, which is a part of the State of Sao Paulo, is notable for its variety of landscapes, including a small area of rainforest. The island is around 20 miles from the shore of the mainland, which is far enough away for the snakes to avoid traveling to South America’s mainland. Many visitors are relieved by this information given how potent the snake’s poison is. The name of the island cannot be translated as “snake island.” Instead, it alludes to an effort to destroy the island’s forests by setting fire to its flora. Early in the 20th century, a large forest fire was started on the island to make room for a banana plantation. Naturally, that was abandoned when the villagers learned just how many lethal inhabitants already inhabited the island. About what happened to the final lighthouse keepers, there are several urban legends. Some others say that the island’s snake species coordinated an attack against them, crawling into their bedroom via the windows and biting the family as they tried to flee but were unsuccessful and died in the jungle. But that’s probably not the case. You may travel to Snake Island. To rescue people and snakes, the Brazilian government has blocked access to the island. Access to the island is restricted by the Brazilian navy, but they often visit the lighthouse to make repairs. Only a few researchers are allowed to visit the island. When they do travel, they must first obtain particular authorization and then have licensed doctors to accompany them. Government limitations might not be enough to deter some criminals from visiting the area because the island’s snakes are unique. Given the risk involved with visiting Snake Island, reports of “bio pirates” visiting the area and bringing back snakes for researchers and collectors may be exaggerated or altogether untrue. In conclusion, Ilha da Queimada Grande is a location that falls short of legends. However, it’s extremely risky and shouldn’t be a travel destination for anyone. Someone who entered the island without authorization would not only face serious legal repercussions but also ran the risk of dying. It is preferable to view the golden lancehead through a computer screen from a great distance away. Where is Snake Island located? Private boats docking in front of the villas are the only way to get to the island. The lake freezes

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